Monday, July 2, 2007


I travelled to Milan this weekend to visit with a friend from grad school who happened to be passing through. These are my impressions: Milan has a lot of banks, an obscene number of high fashion clothing stores, too much kissing in public, and sidewalks too small for outdoor seating.

The only other tourist we saw were in frightenly large groups (30-40+) and I've decided that I should coin a term for tourists who travel in packs. Similar to a pride of lions and a murder of crows, an annoyance of tourists are groups of foreigners numbering more than 6 who travel, often on a chartered bus, to other countries armed with cameras, fanny packs, and sun visors who can be distinguished by their inability to speak the native language, their excessive pointing at monmuments, and their strange habit of following an umbrella or flag wielding leader.

Best moment of the trip: the guy in front of me waiting to get into the big cathedral was turned away because he was wearing (ugly) shorts. In Milan, even God has good fashion sense.

1 comment:

Jack Slowriver said...

I think "annoyance of tourists" is perfect. I've always used "herd" in reference to their sheep-like qualities but annoyance is way better. Also, I love when churches have dress codes.