Monday, May 21, 2007

Just the Basics

Welcome friends, family, countrymen,

I have finally bowed to the 21st century technology as it is an easy way to keep you all apprised of my goings-on through a blog. As you know, I will be spending this summer in the Eternal City: Rome. While there, I will be "working" (for no pay) at the Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN, but I really plan on dedicating my summer to eating as much gelato as possible, becoming addicted to Italian espresso, and learning as much as I can about the ridiculous Pope history.

I will be in Rome from June 3rd to August 18. Visitors welcome.

My work address (at which I believe you can write me care of the Organic Agriculture Department):
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy

Email is always welcome: jodiziesemer (at) hotmail (dot) com (my school account is apparently iffy abroad so use this one instead).


Jack Slowriver said...

I'll be tuning in. It was great to see you last weekend.

Jdamen said...

Sounds like a blast. Post lots of pics for us!